
At the Faculty of Theology of the University of Göttingen, I have frequently conducted the proseminar “Introduction to New Testament Exegesis.” My teaching experience also extends to the HAWK Hildesheim. For the summer term of 2025, I am excited to offer again a course at the University of Göttingen titled “Introduction to the Septuagint.” Additionally, in the past, I have taught a variety of courses, including:

  • Jesus der Davidssohn in den Evangelien (Jesus the Son of David in the Gospels)
  • Paulus als Apostel und Theologe (Paul as Apostle and Theologian)
  • Septuaginta und Neues Testament (Septuagint and New Testament)
  • Rezeption und Transformation der Septuaginta im Urchristentum (Reception and Transformation of the Septuagint in Early Christianity)
  • Frühchristliche Briefliteratur des 2. Jahrhunderts (Early Christian Epistle Literature of the Second Century)
  • Salomonisches Schrifttum zwischen Magie und Poesie (Solomonic Literature between Magic and Poetry)
  • Einleitung in den griechischen Psalter (Introduction to the Greek Psalter)
  • Einführung in die Septuaginta (Introduction to the Septuagint)
  • Die Psalmen Salomos (The Psalms of Solomon)
  • Modern Technologies in Biblical Manuscript Research; with an excursion to Oxford
  • Biblical Manuscripts in the Digital Age; with an excursion to Oxford
  • The Twelve Minor Prophets, Seminar at the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Lectures & Papers

Forthcoming Papers (2025)

  1. Malta 2025/03: “Between Tradition and Innovation: New Perspectives on the Textual Transmission of the Septuagint Psalter in Light of the Antiochene Text”, Malta Psalms Meeting, Valetta Campus, University of Malta, 25–27 March 2025.

Past Lectures & Papers (2023/24)

  1. Jakarta 2024/12/12: "The Psalms of Solomon and Textual Criticism", International Seminar on Biblical Studies, December 11–12, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  2. San Diego 2024/11/25: “Jerome’s Gallican Psalter and Origen’s Septuagint: Commenting on Ps 77 LXX”, Society of Biblical Literature, 2024 Annual Meeting, November 23–26, SBL Commentary on the Septuagint Editorial Board Meeting
  3. San Diego 2024/11/24: “Chapter Divisions in the Septuagint: Analysing Capitulation in the Wisdom Books”, Society of Biblical Literature, 2024 Annual Meeting, November 23–26, IOSCS-Section.
  4. Halle 2024/10/24: “The Contribution and Value of the Syrohexapla for the New Critical Edition of the Greek Psalter”, International Conference “Translating Biblical Hebrew Poetry in Antiquity”, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, October 23–25, 2024.
  5. Tbilisi 2024/10/10: “Navigating Tradition: The Göttingen Collation Book and the Textual Transmission of the Minor Prophets” (როგორ გავერკვეთ ტრადიციაში: გოტინგენის კოლაციონირების რვეულები და მცირე წინასწარმეტყველთა წიგნების ტექსტის ტრანსმისია), Workshop Biblical Studies in the Digital Era (ვორკშოპზე ბიბლიის კვლევები ციფრული სამყაროში), თბილისი.
  6. Ioannina 2024/10/04: “Georgios Palamedes' Vernacular Psalter: Towards an Edition and Analysis”, Neograeca Medii Aevi VIII, Ιωάννινα, October 3–6, 2024 (together with Maria Tomadaki).
  7. Oxford 2024/08/08: “Digital Scholarship and the Septuagint: The Göttingen Edition of the Psalms and Odes”, XIX. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 2024, August 5–9, Workshop: “Exploring Digital Editions and Tools in Patristic Studies in the 21st Century”.
  8. Amsterdam 2024/07/30: “Towards a Digital Lexicon of Jewish Revisions of the Septuagint (Greek/Hebrew–English/German): First Steps and Considerations for Analysing the Vocabulary of Symmachus”, Society of Biblical Literature, 2024 International Meeting, July 28 – August 1, Panel: “Septuagint Studies” (together with Alessandra Palla).
  9. Jerusalem 2024/07/03: “Capitulation Patterns and Chapter Divisions in the Septuagint’s Minor Prophets”, The Bible and Its World: An International Academic Conference in Israel, World Union of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 1–3, 2024, Panel: “The Hebrew University Bible Project XII Prophets Edition”.
  10. Thessaloniki 2024/06/13: “Challenges and Strategies in Editing Theodoret of Cyrus’ Commentary on the Psalms”, Σεμινάριο Ορθόδοξης Ερμηνευτικής Θεολογίας Exegeticum, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεολογική Σχολή, Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας & Χριστιανικού Πολιτισμού, Εργαστήριο Βιβλικών Σπουδών.
  11. Paris 2023/11/24: “Beyond the Canon: The Influence and Significance of Parabiblical Texts in Biblical Studies”, Collège de France, Séminaire: “Éditer et commenter les paratextes bibliques, Méthodes et enjeux”.
  12. San Antonio 2023/11/21: “The Greek Psalter as an Appendix in New Testament Manuscripts”, Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, IOSCS-Section.
  13. San Antonio 2023/11/21: “The Testament of Solomon: A Parabiblical Text in Its Cultural and Historical Context”, Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, Pseudepigrapha-Section.
  14. Helsinki 2023/10/19: “The Göttingen Psalter Project”, Hexapla Seminar at the University of Helsinki.
  15. Berlin 2023/09/28: “Der Antiochenisch-Lukianische Text der Psalmen”, Treffen mit der Berliner Arbeitsstelle “Die alexandrinische und antiochenische Bibelexegese in der Spätantike”, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  16. Tbilisi 2023/06/12: “Modern Technologies in Palimpsest Photography”, Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts.
  17. Vienna 2023/03/24: “Der Ertrag der Catena Palestinensis für die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters”, Tagung “Sammeln – Präsentieren – Studieren – Überliefern: Die Schriftauslegung altkirchlicher Autoren in alten Katenenhandschriften und neuen Datenbanken”, March 23–25, 2023, Vienna.