Critical Edition of the Psalms of Solomon (2018)

The "Psalms of Solomon" (Psalmi Salomonis in Latin) are an important historical and theological document of Palestinian Judaism at the turn of the common era. They bear witness to a Davidic messianism which is of far-reaching importance in the development of the Davidic vision of the Messiah unfolded in the New Testament and linked to Jesus.

© Felix Albrecht, 2018


  1. Art. Psalmoi Salomontos. Die Psalmen Salomos, in: Siegfried Kreuzer (Hg.): Einleitung in die Septuaginta (Handbuch zur Septuaginta 1), Gütersloh 2016, pp. 361–372.
  2. Art. Psalmoi Solomontos. Psalms of Solomon, in: Siegfried Kreuzer (Hg.): Introduction to the Septuagint, Waco 2019, pp. 325–335.
  3. Rezension zu: Ε. Bons/P. Pouchelle, The Psalms of Solomon. Language, History, Theology (Early Judaism and Its Literature 40), Atlanta 2015, in: RBL 2019, [].
  4. Salomon psalmit. Psalmikokoelma Toisen temppelin aikakaudelta, in: A. Aejmelaeus u.a. (Hgg.): Sisälle Septuagintaan (Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran Julkaisuja 116), Helsinki 2018, pp. 216–226.
  5. Eine Randbemerkung zur „Bibel des Niketas“ im Lichte der Textüberlieferung der Psalmi Salomonis, in: Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici N.S. 55 (2018), pp. 81–83.
  6. Psalmi Salomonis edidit Felix Albrecht (Septuaginta. Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum vol. XII, pars 3), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2018 – ISBN: 978-3-525-53450-2.
  7. Die Psalmen Salomos. Griechischer Text nebst deutscher Übersetzung und Gesamtregister, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020 – ISBN: 978-3-525-57143-9.
  8. The Göttingen Edition of the Psalms of Solomon, in: F. Albrecht/ F. Feder (eds.): Editing the Septuagint. The Unfinished Task. Papers presented at the 50th anniversary of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Denver 2018 (De Septuaginta Investigationes 16), Göttingen 2022, pp. 113–121.
  9. The Psalms of Solomon. Essays on Its Cultural Background, Significance and Interpretation edited by Kenneth Atkinson, Patrick Pouchelle, and Felix Albrecht (Parabiblica 2), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2023.
  10. The Psalms of Solomon as a Witness of Palestinian Judaism, in: K. Atkinson et al. (eds.): The Psalms of Solomon. Essays on Its Cultural Background, Significance and Interpretation (Parabiblica 2), Tübingen 2023, pp. 1–9.
  11. Preface to: The Psalms of Solomon. Essays on Its Cultural Background, Significance and Interpretation edited by Kenneth Atkinson, Patrick Pouchelle, and Felix Albrecht (Parabiblica 2), Tübingen 2023, pp. VII–VIII. Co-authors: Kenneth Atkinson/ Patrick Pouchelle.
  12. Die Psalmen Salomos, in: Wehnert, J. (ed.): Bibliothek antiker jüdischer und christlicher Literatur. Texte aus der Entstehungszeit der Bibel Bd. 1, Antike jüdische Literatur (Teilband 1), Paderborn 2024, pp. 543–569.

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